Well, I've narrowly escaped being burned alive by a partially naked lady at VICE

Mike Landry interviews me for the Telegraph Journal on the occasion of my exhibition Did Yoo See The Exhibition of the Chunky Floors? at the Owens in Sackville, NB. Note: I seem to be doing some kind of imitation of a Beat Poet near the end of the article. Also, the photographer had me walking around a bit to "get me moving" and I obliged. But I refused to pretend as though I were hanging one of my pictures on the wall. I also refused to pose for a photo standing in front of the gallery in my winter coat and hat like I "owned the place". Warning to reporters: I am extremely difficult.

It's in there somewhere: The NY Times mentions that H.P. is available on Bernard in Montreal.

Greg Curnoe, View From the Most Northerly Window on the West Wall | Source: Greg Curnoe: Life and Stuff © 2001 by the Art Gallery of Ontario (bigger)
There is some pop-talk going on over here at Steel Bananas:
A Short History of Fizzy-Pop: Marc Bell’s Hot Potatoe (sic.) by William Lockett
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