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The guns! The guns!

A momentary departure from Star Wars Legion today. Last night I painted two field pieces for my 54mm Great War project. Here they are suitably gloss varnished, but in quite a bit of shadow due to the sunny nature of the day.
Emhar German artillery

Emhar British artillery - you only get 3 crew in each pack.

Comparison of the two together

A slightly angled shot so you can see the kneeling crewman a bit more clearly

And in this case you can see the front of the 18 pdr
Emhar 1/35 are quite a bit smaller than the Armies in Plastic figures, but I guess that is all part of the retro style of game that the Great War project will have. I've invested in the Trench Hammer rules, and they look perfect for what I want to accomplish, so I might leave behind my 54mm Great War rules for now.
I have 24 infantry left to paint, and I plan to get into them as soon as the Star Wars Legion is complete. I also think that I will invest in a tank for the British, and if anybody knows of a good place to get 54mm mortars with crews that are unpainted and don't cost the earth, please let me know.


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