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Rocking Shorties Again!

I spent a good part of my weekend organizing my polish space.  I had bought a bunch of organizers and somehow, I snapped a little piece of the corner on my thumb nail.  Well, it should have been expected; opening so many boxes, transferring so many polishes.  Anyway, last night I sat down to file the edge straight. Then I realized that my middle and index were a bit longer than her sisters so filed them down.  And kept on filing. And filing.  And before you knew it, I'm pretty much back to nubs again!  I don't mind it; it gives me a chance to use all those images that don't fit on my nails when they are longer and sure makes typing faster! Not to mention that I love dark colours on my shorties!  Anyway, long or short nails, there will always be stamping on them! Here's what I came up with on my new shorties!

Started with a stamper smooshy base of all Morgan Taylor polishes:  Tokyo A Go Go, Anime-zing Color!, Shock Therapy, Making Waves and Pop-arazzi Pose.  When the smooshy was done, it was a bit darker than I wanted, so I brush stroked here and there with some of the brighter colours.  In hindsight, I probably could have brush stroked the whole base; probably would have been faster and less polish used.

Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.

Stamped using an image from UC 14-02 using FunkyFingers Dark Knight.

 Topped with KBShimmer Clearly on Top to finish.

Can you tell I changed up my lighting a bit?  My fingers don't look quite as lobster looking but the glare! Gaaa, it needs improvement!  Once the reorganizing of my space is done, hopefully one of the benefits of doing so will be I'll have a better space for taking pix.  Hopefully!

Thanks for looking!

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