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Trap Your Lover’s Soul During This Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower—Or, How Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

In the words made famous by Chicken Little—the sky is falling! Psych! I’m only half-joking. It’s just the Southern Delta Aquariids, a meteor shower that occurs from mid-July to mid-August every year.

If you want to experience this v pretty and mind-blowing cosmic event, plan your stargazing for July 28 or 29, which is predicted to have peak activity, with meteor observation rates at 15-20 per hour. Bring your friends! Bring your lover! Make a blood oath as the Aquariids shoot across the sky, trapping your lover’s soul forever in a hand mirror of your choosing! Whisper all your petty thoughts to them before bedtime with the knowledge that they can never, ever leave you!

This meteor shower’s radiant lies in the constellation of Aquarius, right by—you guessed it—the Delta Aquarii. Given that this shower is in Aquarius, it stands to reason that we can all expect air signs, like Gemini, Libra and, of course, Aquarius to feel it the most. This can also be said for those who have a rising or moon sign in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius. But even for those who have no air signs in their chart—this meteor shower still holds interest. After all, air signs keep things moving. They range from a more gentle, metaphorical breeze, to a tornado that destroys everything in its path. (Badass, no?)

Meteor showers are astrologically interesting because there isn’t any definite agreement (by modern standards, anyway) of what they mean, exactly. Some are adamant that meteors are indicative of creative inspiration, or massive change. Others are of the mind that meteors indicate more negative events or transgressions. Something we can all agree on, however, is that a spike of energy in Aquarius will have us all experiencing enthusiasm in motion, as we feel the urge to act on our ideas and experience forward movement.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Aries –

There is strong compatibility between air signs and Aries, which means this meteor shower will have you engaged and alert, ready for something new. This can manifest in anxiety or isolation, or conversely, have you more socially engaged than others. Either way, be prepared for big, life-changing events to come your way.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Taurus –

Reach out to others during this meteor shower, Taurus. Finding your people—the ones who love and understand you exactly as you are—will recharge you more than any 5-star vacation. Take the time to invest in the relationships that truly fulfill you, and don’t be afraid to let go of friendships that you’ve outgrown. It doesn’t make what you had any less meaningful.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Gemini –

Expect to be recognized during this time, Gemini. For better (or worse, lol), you are unapologetically yourself, and the other signs see that. Play to your strengths this meteor shower. Plan a party or social gathering, and let yourself get swept up in the moment. You don’t need to change anything right now. Just enjoy.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Cancer –

Get excited, because a whole new chapter of your life on its way! This meteor shower is just the beginning. Be patient, as the seeds you have sown in your personal life, career, and finances are about to bloom. Often the biggest life changes come on the heels of tragedy or challenges, so if you’re experiencing a hard time, know that the good is on its way.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Leo –

Try something new in your love life, Leo. Whether it be a romantic gesture, or an honest communication without deflection. Adding layers to your existing relationships help provide protective factors and help deepen the connections between yourself and your partner. Hint: Whatever you want more of (affection, communication, humor)—try giving more of that to the relationship yourself. You are already loved, so don’t be afraid to swim in it.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Virgo –

It’s common knowledge that perfectionism really chafes the emotional balls, and yet, we all strive to the bestbestbest all the time—number one, gold trophy. This meteor shower, appreciate the fact that space garbage is shooting across the sky at a high speed and it is glorious. Things don’t need to be perfect to be beautiful or worthwhile. Mistakes are what give humans, art and nature true character.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Libra –

When people tell me to ‘go with the flow,’ I like to unhinge my jaw and chew on their SOULS—but OK, it can be a good reminder that fighting everything all the time isn’t a great stress-management technique. Learning to be positive and choose your battles is a lifelong struggle, but with changes ahead, you may need to conserve your energy. Go to the cocktail party in order to side-step the company picnic—AKA, choose your battles.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Scorpio –

Meditation doesn’t have to take place on the floor while wearing linen pants. Drawing, going for a run, listening to music, etc. can all have the same effect of getting you out of your head and giving you space. Allow your subconscious to take a breather this meteor shower. Stay in the moment as much as possible, and remember that everything is temporary—good, bad or indifferent.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Sagittarius –

Next steps are on the horizon—a new home, getting engaged, getting pregnant. Getting bangs. This meteor shower may just feel like another item on your to-do list, but try to not rush through. Every step we take should be celebrated. Make sure that you feel joy more often than not with your major life choices, and if not, adjust. Nothing is set in stone. You can always start over, if you need to.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Capricorn –

You don’t need to save people, but that usually doesn’t stop you from trying. This meteor shower, try and notice how often you react before people really have a chance to feel their feelings, or try and solve the problem themselves. Protecting people from themselves is not always the right answer. Let people make mistakes, and love them anyway.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Aquarius –

Unexpected solutions to your problems may arise this meteor shower. Keep an open mind, and don’t be afraid to break out of your routines or ideas of what your life should look like. Things won’t change if you do the same things over and over. Break out and see what else is out there. There’s so much in this world that can bring us joy, if we let it.

STYLECASTER | Delta Aquariids Meteor Shower Horoscopes: How Falling Space Debris Will Affect Every Sign

Pisces –

Keep things simple during this meteor shower in Aquarius, Pisces. In an effort to Get It All Right, we usually commit to more than we need to, or overcomplicate plans and ideas. Keeping it simple doesn’t mean that it’ll be easier, necessarily. In fact, keeping things simple—like not inviting a friend who always starts drama to your party, or sticking to one or two credit cards—can actually be harder in the short term. But look, things don’t have to be hard. You don’t have to suffer to prove anything to anyone.

Thank you for reading, sweet signs. I hope you watch the meteor showers with someone you dig and then go home and eat popcorn and laugh until your teeth hurt. For more info, check your rising and moon signs.

Love, love, love.

from StyleCaster

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