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How Time Flies

Love You Always 

Hello all, today's post is a special one for me, and although I wasn't in the mood to do my nails with the sad day yesterday, I did have this planned as it's a normal anniversary mani I do every year. 
16 years ago today, sadly my Mum passed away and I like to paint my nails in her memory of the amazing lady she was. 
Yesterday my Dad passed away and I painted my nails to show support for Dimentia Friends. 

So for today's special nails I made a gradient with these 3 colours.

I didn't even realise that the candle I bought matched the gradient! Weird huh....

These pretty water decals are from Lady Queen.

Here's my finished nails...

The decals compliment the gradient perfectly and makes this mani look super pretty and just what I wanted.
That's all for today and as always stay safe and much love....

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