They say life's a beach. 
If by that they mean it's hot, sweaty and gets all up in your grill, well then, they're kinda right. 

Off the shoulder top / Factorie
Shorts / Don't Ask Amanda 
Bikini top / Temt

I used to be astounded at how people could love the beach. What with it's hot, sweaty, half-naked people (which now I see that could be a positive in some eyes...) all crowded in the one place, all in the same water - it seemed like sort of a weird kind of punishment. But after returning to Half Moon Bay for the second time, I'm slowly finding out that I may actually *gasp* like the beach?

It's pretty relaxing and honestly puts a stupid grin on my face when I look around and watch the sun set and just listen to the waves breaking and forget about the worries of school, aka the be-all and end-all of life right??

Alright I'm keeping it short today, because you guys know me; I can go on and on and on. 
Hope you're all well and I shall speak again soon. 
xx Magz 

P.S Thanks for sticking through this whirlwind of a post and it's plenitude of italics.