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Down With the Sickness

A couple of dim bulbs in Arizona drank fish tank cleaner in an effort to prevent getting the Coronavirus. Prevent it. They didn't even have it. Now I'm no chemist and frankly, I'm kind of dumb, but even I see the first half of the word CHLORoquine and immediately think of Chlorine. Even if I'm not correct in my assumption, my thought process would be as follows... Chloroquine > Chlorine > Bleach > Do not drink or eat. That whole process would take me about four seconds. And don't forget, they weren't even sick.
 "I saw it sitting on the back shelf and thought, 'Hey, isn't that the stuff they're talking about on TV?'"
The couple — both in their 60s and potentially at higher risk for complications of the virus — decided to mix a small amount of the substance with a liquid and drink it as a way to prevent the coronavirus.
"We were afraid of getting sick," she said.
They're in their 60's. Not 90's. These are people at the tail end of the Baby Boom generation, they grew up basically during the period of time featured in the movie "Dazed and Confused" not the Wild West, and they're supposed to be smarter than this. Well they got sick alright. The husband died. See? This is what happens when you spread panic and fear. Desperately stupid people wind up drinking bleach. It's actually not funny but this is the world we live in today. Maybe it's time to start reigning all of this in before everyone devolves into tribes of screeching, bleach chugging cavemen.

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